
What Happens at a Meeting?

Have you committed to helping your community but you haven’t been to a meeting yet? Here’s a what to expect at one of our quarterly meetings.

1) Arrive anytime after 530pm. Be sure to pay by e transfer if you haven’t already done so. There’s a cash bar and menu to order dinner. This is an opportunity to mix and mingle your fellow members.

2) 7pm – The formal meeting starts with a committee leader greeting our presenters and members. They will share any housekeeping notes at this time. Then the big reveal! We share the three selected charities with our membership – all of which have been nominated by a member, randomly selected from the hat, and vetted by the coordinators.

3) We hear from our 3 selected organizations. A presenter from each charity has 5 minutes only to share with our membership what their organization would do with the donation if they are chosen.

4) Voting. After hearing all three presentations, each paying member votes by secret email ballot who they would like to donate to.

5) Charity update. While the votes are being tallied, we hear an update from the last organization who received a donation from us. They fill us in on how our support has impacted their organization and the progress of the programming the funds were earmarked for.

6) Selected Charity Announcement. So exciting!

7) Door Prizes. We love to support our local businesses and ladies with door prizes at our meetings.  If you know of a great business in the area that would like to donate a door prize for our quarterly meetings, please send us an email at

8) Meeting wrap up. Our committee leaders wrap up the meeting by letting members know where the next meeting will be held and congratulating all nominated charities.

9) Before you leave, remember to drop your name badge off at the registration desk at the entrance. A team of volunteers will make sure that all of your information is accurate so you will receive your tax receipt (if applicable) in a timely fashion.

Have question? Have you checked our FAQ Section? It has lots of great information whether you’re a new member or have been with us since the beginning.

Don’t see the answer you’re looking for on the website? Please feel free to contact us at