About Us

What being a member means

Our goal is to support the wonderful non-profit and charitable organizations that are in the Airdrie and surrounding area. There are so many groups that are working to make our community a better, healthier, stronger place to live that don’t get all the funding they need to achieve their operating goals.

We don’t stop at 100 Women – we want as many members as we can get. The more women involved, the bigger the impact we can have on our community. Join us and experience that magical feeling of knowing that you directly impacted lives for the better four times a year! We ask that all new members commit to a year of meetings, but you are welcome to stay as long as you want – giving back is addicting.

We encourage everyone to donate $100 every four months, and if they find an organization they click with, to start volunteering their time or skills.


How we got started

Amy Forrest fell in love with the simplicity of the 100 Women Who Care model after seeing her Mom’s successful chapter in Regina, Sk. She knew that Airdrie was in need of an organization like this. In June 2016 she committed and jumped right into planning our first meeting in September 2016

Joining Amy in this adventure as the founding coordinators was Melissa Thome. Together these ladies are rallying the females of our not so small community together to help out amazing charities and organizations in Airdrie and surrounding areas!

We are a part of the 100 Who Care Alliance.  There are over 550 active Chapters (and 200 more in development) in the 100 Who Care Alliance, including chapters of 100 Men, People  and 100 Kids Who Care. There is a 100 Airdrie Men Who Give a Damn and 100 Airdrie Kids Who Care right here in our growing City!





Please feel free to contact us anytime via Facebook, Instagram or email. We’d love to answer any questions and hear your suggestions.